Sky Swing

8/22/2014 – Alliance Redwoods Campgrounds We will soar and we will fly, We must spread our wings and take to the sky. From our flight, We will discover a new found sight. Our minds will grow And our imaginations will expand. There will be sadness though, With happiness these emotions go hand in hand. Our bodies will tremble and shake, But for our hearts it will be worth the energy it takes. The power to laugh and to love, They will send us high above. We will fly with a purpose, knowing full well when we land, We won’t be afraid to fly again. 1/20/2015 To All The Fellows: Today marks the fifth month we have been on this crazy roller coaster journey. This poem was written back during Pre-Departure Training and over the last five months I have realized some of the truth in these words, but also where it falls short. So here is to everyone, both near and far from us – across Brazil, Ecuador and Senegal, as well as back home. Sending love to you all!