Preparing to Depart

As the much anticipated departure date rapidly approaches I have been tasked with gathering some important items that I will need to combat the sun and bugs in Brazil. I have taken it upon myself to make the executive decision to leave all of my clothes behind and pack my suitcases to the brim with both mosquito repellent and sunscreen. 

Combating the sun is a lifelong problem with my British skin. I plan on taking a more strategic route which involves always leaving the house with a coating of cream, a bucket hat, a floor length skirt with a matching long sleeve turtle neck, and of course welly boots. 
After a run to the local Walgreens I believe I have bought the necessary amounts of sunscreen to keep me a few steps ahead of becoming a human lobster. As for the mosquito repellent, I have made sure to buy 30% DEET and after bite. We have all been bitten at some point even AFTER lathering on mosquito repellent, and I want future me to be well prepared for those moments. 
Departure for San Francisco is only a week away and I am eager to start this adventure, and meet all the friends I have been messaging for the past couple of months!