My Final Community Project

My Final Community Project

I decided to provide a small snippet of what my final community project was about. I had a blast working and connecting with the girls at Taiba Lycee. Below is an overview of what I did and a link to a small Google Slides presentation that I put together.

In my two English terminal classes, I noticed a trend in quietness amongst female students. The male students were much more confident in giving answers and asking questions. After I spoke to my supervisor about my observations, I was given the impression that my female students were “too shy to speak in class” and that it was a personality problem. However, when I spoke to the female students, I discovered that it was more of an issue of space: the girls did not feel like they had room to voice their opinions openly in class because of their male counterparts.

The girls also felt like they were not being equally encouraged to pursue education as their male counterparts, by their teachers. Therefore, I came to the conclusion of an all girls English club because I wanted them to have the space to be open in a classroom setting. The female students will be able to practice leadership skills through the organization of the club. I have my own overview and objectives for the club, but the girls are the ones that will actually implement their wants and needs into the club curriculum and committee. Leadership skills are important because they can be applied all aspects of life, and, through the club, the girls will gain leadership skills that they can carry throughout their life.