Mame Diarra Diop

Mame Diarra Diop 2017

Oil on glass 

38,1 x 10 cm

I remember one of the numerous workshops we did throughout our seminars (GCY based). It encouraged us to try out different media to share and to use in our blog-posts. And so I decided to go for it.

Now, this is not something I made when I heard that. In fact, I did it way earlier. And what you see is also not what I want you to know about this but for me it was all about the process of creating it. This time I am not talking in an all artsy way like: OMG making this was therapeutic and now I see the world different. No, this was much more about sitting down for the entire day with an Senegalese artist in his little studio and talking, laughing and creating together. It was an amazing experience exchanging views on Art, what it means and why we do it.  I am thankful for that experience.