A few things I miss about my experience in Senegal

So 8 months have passed, and I’m currently writing this blog out of Curaçao and not Senegal anymore. It’s been around 2 weeks since we left and it still doesn’t feel real.

Because of this I made a short list with things I miss about Senegal (In no way is it in order of what I miss most to least, it’s just all random). I only named a few things and honestly the list of things I miss can go on and on and on.

The communal bowl


We all come together for lunch and dinner and we all sit around the bowl and
indulge in the meal that is served.



Crème and Attaaya



Crème is honestly appropriate to eat at any
time of the day and when it’s seriously hot you might enjoy them a little bit
more. There are many flavours such as Tamarind, Hibiscus, Bouy (the fruit from
the baobab tree), Yogurt etc.. 


Attaaya, which is tea essentially, is usually
made after lunch and it’s what we drink in the afternoon. 




The Saturday Market
in Touba Toule


The Saturday Market in Touba Toule was well known and people from all over the
country would come to our town to be part of this market. The market consisted of different sections such as the fresh produce section, the clothes and fabric section,
the livestock section etc…



My host-family

The people that put up with me for 7 months and that took care of me every single day!





Some of us might have had a slight obsession with buying cloth, but the exciting thing about this is you could (for the most part) get tailored what you wanted with
them. With all the beautiful clothes worn by the women in our communities we
had enough inspiration for different styles. 





    As I said before this is just a short list of things that I miss about Senegal. 
Hope you enjoyed it! 😀