Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Por qué importa el como compartir


¿Alguna vez te has sentido culpable al sacar una foto? ¿O solo por el hecho de pensar en sacar una? ¿Alguna vez has tenido problemas para compartir una historia? Qué palabras usar, qué detalles incluir. ¿Cómo puedo compartir una experiencia con una "comunidad" sin caer en la superficialidad y en un prejuicio en el que...

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Why it matters how you share – A though on GCY Capstone project and my sharing experience


Did you ever feel guilty when taking a picture? Or just for the mere fact of thinking about taking one? Did you ever struggle with how to share a story? Which words to use, which details to include. How can I even share an experience with a “community” without falling into superficiality and a judgment...

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Back to back


Fun is over.  We are back at our home countries, or whatever we like to call them now. Seeing my real fam was awesome, a lot of hugs smiles and questions. However I can't say that I was there with them because mentally I was still in Ecuador and it just seemed impossible to move on....

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Originally written on March 22nd So as you guys know, I’m working at the local school in my community co-teaching english with three other english teachers. On Mondays and Thursdays I work mornings from seven to around one, teaching the little kids, and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I work afternoons helping out with the older...

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Putting words to particular moments can sometimes be limiting- language is important. And sometimes they’re better expressed through pictures. Captured all throughout Ecuador, including Quito, my host community Chaltura, Mindo (cloud forest), Cuenca, the Amazons, and the coast.

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Originally written October 19th So I’m learning to appreciate the little things. I’m co-teaching English at the school in my town and everyday my students teach me something new, especially the little ones. Being bombarded with questions of Como se dice ____ en inglés? (how do you say __ in english?) only to see them...

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My Ecuadorian host family was such an important part of my year abroad. I remember my very first interactions with them were awkward- I was communicating in the little spanish I learned in high school and using weird hand gestures for words I didn’t know. Of course, as I continued to navigate my way through...

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It’s been slightly over two months since I left my host family back in Ecuador. And I miss them beyond imagination. One of the best parts of living with a host family is having host siblings. My seven year old host sister, Valentina, was one of my first friends. Since everyone in the house was...

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One Final Capstone Reflection


I perceive my life in terms of colors: about the contrast between them, how they make other colors pop out and how together they create beautiful things. Colors can come in landscapes, in marvelous structures, in people, in memorable moments and outstanding ideas. If there was a time in my life where I learned all...

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O que é o Brasil ?


If you would have asked me a year ago “What it Brasil?”  I would have responded to you robotically and with common knowledge :” Brasil is the largest and most populated country of South America.Capital ? Brasilia.” And that would have been it. In fact, nothing had particularly pushed me to learn more about this...

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Capstone Project


What is that? The so-called “Capstone Project” is the final component of the program designed by Global Citizen Year that guides you through your Gap Year. It is part of the “Transitioning” phase and takes place in your home community. It is a platform to share and highlight the learnings and all other crucial aspects...

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A collection of the only peoms I ever wrote (created in Senegal)


WAVE standing still, feeling the hot sand between the toes, the salt baked hair in the face, the hugging sun on the back and nothing but the endless blue in front thinking, observing but really just being , swimming in the love one shares for its peers suddenly a warm hand on the hips and...

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