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Timia Pratt

Timia Pratt is passionate about activism and travel. She is involved in female, Muslim, and people of color issues. Her goals for the year are to become fluent in Hindi, get a strong connection with her host family, and to show her family that she can make this year count. People who live their lives freely inspire her. Her favorite quote is "Stay hungry, stay foolish"


Confessions of an awful person

Timia Pratt


I feel so bad haha, when I go home people are gonna ask me about all the crazy things I did and experienced. Sad to say but I have a pretty normal life. I have a family- mom, dad, brothers, sister in laws, neice, and nephew I had a job that I was terrible at....

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Timia Pratt


(This post is orginally supposed to go up December 28th but I am so lazy) So my birthday was 2 days ago…. Do I feel different?  For the first time in my life I must say that I do! While I don’t feel like an adult completely, some spaces are being filled in that weren’t...

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Timia Pratt


Okay I’m feeling kind of bad now, I haven’t been serious about this blog at all but theres no better time than now, amirite? I was randomly at some overcrowded festival near my house when inspiration struck me that I actually need to be serious about this cause I’m gonna have a crazy amount of adventures and it would be cool to...

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Timia Pratt


Today I had what I think came close to a break down. I was stressed and frustrated with my life in all aspects. I’m in India, I should be riding elephants, attending extravagant festivals, and overall collecting all these ridiculous stories EVERYDAY. If I didn’t do this I was wasting my time. I have this...

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Second blog post

Timia Pratt


Into the blue My title perfectly describes my life right now. Diving deep into the blue of uncertainty, of curiosity, of my unwillingness to give up adventure. Yes i drowned at first, I will not lie. My first week with my family was absolutely awful. I was drowning in loneliness, homesickness, fears, uncertainty. I spent...

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First blog post

Timia Pratt


This is the story of how my life journey has started. I’m some normal city black girl that some how ended up living in China and now India. I literally have 8 months of my life to focus on making connections, learning, roaming, self realizing and just being. This is literally the most ridiculous  thing...

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