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Sophie von Muench

Sophie has grown up in Germany and the small town of Hamilton, NY. She is passionate about multicultural understanding and taking care of the world and each other. In high school, she was part of her school’s Amnesty International, Model UN, and Language Clubs, among others. Theater has also been a huge part of her high school career, from being in productions to directing a middle school musical, and she hopes to continue to engage with the arts. Her goals include learning Portuguese, immersing herself in a new culture, and forming strong connections with new people while exploring the field of environmental sustainability. She its excited to discover more about herself and the world during her stay in Brazil. Her favorite quote is "None but ourselves can free our minds" by Bob Marley.


Capstone Reflection

Sophie von Muench


During Re-entry training, we talked a lot about telling our story. We discussed how people might not know what questions to ask, or might just want a short, generic answer without really understanding, or how people might not be interested at all.   So what struck me most while doing my Capstone was how interested...

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A Time Capsule of Journal Entries

Sophie von Muench


This was the first journal entry I wrote upon arriving in Brazil; my first time sitting on a Brazilian beach, my first attempts to ground myself in the place and actually understand that after endless orientation we’d actually made it to country! September: I am sitting on the beach, underneath an almost full moon (it’s...

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Brazilian Associations

Sophie von Muench


I left for Brazil 8 months ago without any clear idea of what to expect. Of course I had hidden expectations going in, but now that I have lived there for an extended time, it has become weirdly difficult to put myself back into my head space of the end of August to remember what...

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A Timeline of Vocabulary

Sophie von Muench


Some vocabulary essential to getting through the first couple months in Brazil: Esperar! — This means to wait, and I used it ALL THE TIME with my host sister. Ficar Presa/o — This means to be stuck. This could apply to a child in the mango tree or me as I sit on the ground...

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A Sneak Peak at Some Bridge Year Conversations

Sophie von Muench


The other day, my host father asked me what I talked about all day. I could only laugh, because I had no idea how to begin explaining the conversations I have most days. However, it is a little bit easier in English, so here is a random list of some conversations I’ve had in the...

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Monkeys, Portuguese, and Lots of Love

Sophie von Muench


Hello all!  I have been told that I am very behind on the blog, so here are Sophie’s updates in one long swoop.  On my host family:  They’re the cutest! I have a mom (Lorena), dad (Vicente), a little sister (Dainara), and a younger brother (Manuel). Also a very cuddly and patient cat named Memo....

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An Empty Planner

Sophie von Muench


I have now been away from home for two weeks. However, it feels like it’s been much longer. These weeks of orientation have been packed with seminars, discussions, and group bonding activities, without giving us fellows very much time to breathe. The working theory is that our leaders were trying to keep us busy enough...

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