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Ndenda Mutsaku

Ndenda is passionate about dancing, education,sports and learning about new cultures and languages. She is involved in giving swimming lesson to kids, and give dance lesson in her highs school. She went to UWC Atlantic College where she learn a lot about different cultures and countries. Her goals for the year are to learn more about Indian culture, learn a new language, and being involved in making a change in the community that she would be in. One of my favorite quotes is: " A person that never made a mistake, never tried anything new" - Albert Einstein


Viviendo el momento en paz

Ndenda Mutsaku


Español Que sucede cuando pones a una latina que le encanta estar bailando y moviéndose en un país donde la gente se sienta en silencio por 2 horas. Una latina que siempre quiere solo concentrarse y termina el trabajo para después poder hacer lo que quiera y no tener que preocuparse por ello, que la...

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Welcome week, catches and closing seminar

Ndenda Mutsaku


A a few memories of the amazing time with the fellows! The other amazing part of GCY Algunos recuerdos de los momentos increíble con mis compañeros.Otro lado maravilloso de GCY. Swinging in the beach(Nadar en la playa) Escuchar reggaeton mientras juega UNO (Listening to reggaeton while playing UNO) Night conversation under the start (conversaciones en...

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A quick note about natural hair/ hablemos de cabello

Ndenda Mutsaku


English then Spanish Ingles despues español I had never though that wanting to wear my natural hair would be an every day battle. There is not a single day I’m not asked When are you going to braid your hair? Why you don’t braid it?. I had heard multiple time “it looks ugly like that”,...

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A few survival tips! Algunos consejos de supervivencia List of things you need to know if you come to Senegal ( I learn this from my first week In my host family)/ Lista de cosas que deberías saber sí vienes a Senegal. (Aprendí esto en mi primera semana con mi familia de acogida)

Ndenda Mutsaku


-Greetings is essential for social life and is one of the most important things, if you don’t do it you would be seen as antisocial!! Is also the best way to do random new friends -Cookings will be a great upper body workout! -Be ready to sit in the floor and eat in a big...

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My first week/ Mi primera semana

Ndenda Mutsaku


La primera semana en Senegal fue fabulosa! Fue la semana de bienvenida, estuve en Dakar con todos los Fellows y comenzamos a alistarnos para ir con nuestras familias de acogida Cosas que aprendí en mi primera semana en Senegal: -No olvides tomar tu pastilla para la malaria – nunca salgas sin haberte puesto repelente!! –...

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A last minute change

Ndenda Mutsaku


English When you take a gap year you know it will be full of surprises, but you never know when the first one will come. My first challenge and big surprise was sooner than I could have imagined. Because of visa issues, I had to change country. I was no going to India anymore I...

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