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Na'im Pickett


Returning Home

Na'im Pickett


After experiencing one of the most challenging times of my life, I found myself on a plane back to San Francisco. I landed so close to home and yet so far because I had one more week of the program. So I left from the airport with our bus and ended up in the redwoods...

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Check Please!!

Na'im Pickett


During my travel days with Nyles, we visited a popular tourist village called Toubab Dialaw and we stayed with a friend of Nyles' named Aliou Thiam. Aliou, a jeweler in the area, was kind enough to show us around and made sure that everything was fine with our stay. He showed us a local restaurant...

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Global Citizen Year or Vacation?

Na'im Pickett


Senegal is the realĀ Globlal Citizen Year, and everyone else is on vacation. If you have problem with what I just said, @ me. I don't know too much about what's going on in India, so I'll give them a break but I know for a fact that everyone in Ecuador and Brazil are chilling. I...

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Homesick? Nah, I’m Foodsick

Na'im Pickett


While being in Senegal, the biggest change for me has been diet. Everyday I eat the same thing. Breakfast is half of a baguette with chocolate spread & milk. Lunch is Fish and rice with a few vegetables. Dinner is either the same as lunch or we'll eat millet and beans. I haven't been homesick...

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My New Home

Na'im Pickett


After a month of ICO in Dakar. We were shipped off to our villages where we'd remain for the duration of the program. I've been here in Ngueniene for about a solid month now and when I tell you that the wildlife here is something else, I ain't lying. All of the bugs can fly....

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Culture Shock? What’s That?

Na'im Pickett


Exiting the plane after a two-day flight, I touched down in Dakar. I thought to myself, "I'm in Africa, I made it." I was so happy to finally be in "The Motherland", surrounded by people that looked like me and a similar culture to many African Americans. I was so excited to embark on this...

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